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Those of..
We are
Those of the Mediterranean
Who cry and laugh
And they reflect and remember
We are
Those who Diego the sergeant are like us
We are
Those who listen to Pink Floyd
And they dream and sigh
And they think back and remember
We are
Those that the Prince talks about us
And sooner or later we will go to Spain
With the hourglass already halfway through
Another life awaits us there
Let's sing about the year to come
Melancholy alone
The women laugh at us
Slow steps, eyes at the stars
And then we never dance
Always out of fashion
Green yes but flowers no
We sit on the dock
Not in the sun on the beach
We are
We don't remember the poems
And they see and do not hear
And they think and don't speak
We are
Those who have a little good wine and then
And sooner or later we will go to Spain
We have already rounded the mark
Another life waiting there
Let's try to catch the trail
Melancholy alone
What others say about us
I smiled dully and rolled my eyes
We certainly never dance
The first black and white photos
Green yes but flowers no
A guitar on the seat
Or maybe it's just me
Melancholy alone
Slow steps, eyes at the stars
Mi piace pensare che alcune persone si ritrovino in piccole cose, film, musica ed artisti, che in qualche modo delineano un modo di vivere e pensare..
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